A submersible pump is completely submerged in the liquid and
operates by pushing, as opposed to drawing, liquid during the
pumping process. This is extremely efficient because the pump
uses the head ot liquid in which it is submerged to operate and
no energy is spent in drawing the liquid into the pump. The
motor is cooled by the liquid around it, preventing overheating.
Priming: They are sell-priming because they operate below the sur-
face of the fluid being pumped.
Cavitation: Because they are fully submerged, submersible pumps
are not prone to cavitation.
Efficiency: A submersible pump has the head pressure of liquid on
the suction end to help it operate. It doesn’t need to use as much
energy in drawing liquid into the pump.
-Noise: Being submerged, these pumps are very quiet in most
common applications.